The Chief Justice is responsible for ensuring the effective, orderly and expeditious discharge of the business of the Court (s 21B Family Law Act) and for managing its administrative affairs (s 38A). The Chief Justice is assisted in judicial responsibilities by the Deputy Chief Justice (s 21B) and in administrative responsibilities by the Chief Executive Officer (s 38D(3)).
To ensure the best outcomes for disputing families, the Chief Justice is responsible for implementing world best-practice court services and procedures that provide high-level support for judicial officers and staff.
The Honourable William Alstergren AO

The Chief Justice of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia is the Honourable William Alstergren. Chief Justice Alstergren is also Chief Judge of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia.
Chief Judge Alstergren was appointed Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia on 10 December 2018. His Honour was appointed Chief Judge of the Federal Circuit Court of Australia in October 2017. His Honour held a dual appointment as Deputy Chief Justice of the Family Court from December 2017 and he has presided over the Appeals Division of the Family Court since March 2018.
Chief Justice Alstergren has a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Melbourne. He also has a Master of Laws. He practised as a barrister in Melbourne from 1991, and took silk in 2012. He was the Chairman of the Victorian Bar in 2013 and President of the Australian Bar Association in 2017.