How do I register and manage my law firm on the Portal?

The Commonwealth Courts Portal provides users with secure web-based access to information about cases that are before the Court.

The Portal is a central system that enables registered litigants and legal practitioners to log on using a single user ID and password and access information from multiple jurisdictions.

This page provides information about administering a law firm in the Commonwealth Courts Portal.

Select the relevant topic below for more information:

The person who is going to manage the firm’s portal account must first register as an individual.

See How do I register for the Commonwealth Courts Portal? for details on registering individuals and to view the helpful video guide.

This person then registers the law firm which makes them 'the administrator'. See the following steps:

Note: A law firm should only be registered once.

Step 1: Log in.

Step 2: Select Your profile

Step 3: Select Register an organisation

Step 4: Complete the online form.

Note: An administrator is responsible for the security of the data provided to the organisation via the Commonwealth Courts Portal. This means that the administrator must give file permissions only to those who are entitled to see those files and must maintain the organisation's account so that individuals who are no longer entitled to file access have their permissions revoked and individuals who leave the organisation are removed from the account. This responsibility is a condition of use that administrators must sign up to when registering on the Commonwealth Courts Portal. Refer to Terms & Conditions of Use and About this Site.

The Portal team will contact the administrator once the registration has been actioned and the organisation has been linked (usually within two working days).

Step 5: Once the administrator receives confirmation of registration they can advise other staff members to request access to the organisation's account through the administrator. The administrator will be responsible for accepting or declining requests for access to a file.

See Requesting access to my firm in the How do I request access to a law firm's files page.

Helpful hint - A law firm can have more than one administrator. See Managing Administrators below.

Note: An administrator is responsible for the security of the data provided to the organisation via the Commonwealth Courts Portal. This means that the administrator must give file permissions only to those who are entitled to see those files and must maintain the organisation's account so that individuals who are no longer entitled to file access have their permissions revoked and individuals who leave the organisation are removed from the account. This responsibility is a condition of use that administrators must sign up to when registering on the Commonwealth Courts Portal. Refer to Terms & Conditions of Use and About this Site.

An administrator of a law firm or organisation's account can manage users by logging into their account and select Manage users.

A list of names of users with access to your law firm or organisation's files will appear.

New user requests will appear in this list with an option to Accept or Decline next to their name.

An administrator can also make any user an Administrator or update their permissions by selecting their name in the list. A menu on the right hand side of this page will give further information on how to use the permissions screen.

Refer also to the technical requirements for the Commonwealth Courts Portal.

If the administrator has left your firm and there are no other administrators

Step 1: Ensure that the new administrator is registered on the portal.

Step 2: From the email address that you are registered on the portal under, email advising that the previous administrator (name if known) has left and you request administrator access.

Note: An administrator is responsible for the security of the data provided to the organisation via the Commonwealth Courts Portal. This means that the administrator must give file permissions only to those who are entitled to see those files and must maintain the organisation's account so that individuals who are no longer entitled to file access have their permissions revoked and individuals who leave the organisation are removed from the account. This responsibility is a condition of use that administrators must sign up to when registering on the Commonwealth Courts Portal. Refer to Terms & Conditions of Use and About this Site.

Approving a request for file access

Only administrators can approve a request for access.

Step 1: Log in

Step 2: Select Manage users

A list of names of users within the Organisation will populate and if a new user has requested access, an option to Accept or Decline their request will be on the right hand side of their name.

Updating users permissions

Step 1: Log in

Step 2: Select Manage users

A list of names of users within the Organisation will populate. Administrators can update users’ permissions by clicking on their actual name in the list. A menu on the right hand side of this page will give further information on how to use the permissions screen.

If your law firm has merged with another law firm or you have changed the name of the firm please email giving the following information about the merger:

  • Confirm old name
  • Provide new name
  • Provide ABN number
  • Provide any new contact details - address / phone number / fax number / email addresses etc.

and request that the court database be changed accordingly.

Once the changes have been made the support team will email you advising the changes have been made to the database and the portal.

Law firms can request to set up a direct debit facility.

Step 1: Download and complete the Direct debit request form.

Step 2: Email the completed form to

If you have any questions about the direct debit facility, please contact the Finance Team on 02 6113 9303 or